Thursday, May 31, 2012

What Sparks Your Creativity?

There are many things that can switch on a writer’s creativity bulb and they are as varied and unique as a writers’ personality. My creativity is often switched on more often than I would like. J I can watch the most inane movie that I don’t even enjoy and always be sparked with some idea or “oh I could write a story about that.” I’m that weird.

So what sparks your creativity? Here’s my list (in no particular order.)

1 – Classical music.

2 – A sermon or devotion. (Yes, I’ve filled my sermon notebook with ideas before J)

3 – A sigh worthy love story movie.

4 – BBC dramas.

5 – Strange people I see in Walmart.

6 – Reading biographies about historical figures.

7 – Walking through the countryside. (Would be even more inspiring if I lived in Yorkshire. LOL.)

8 – Current events. (One of my novels was inspired by a character in a classic novel and a current headline.

9 – Jane Austen.

10 - Doing dishes and laundry.

11 – Art museums.

12 – Pictures of my characters.

13 – Stately palaces in England.

Your Turn – What sparks your creativity? Where did the inspiration come for the last scene you wrote, come from?

 Happy Writing,

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